SEDEX 2019

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

Booth # H148

국제공장자동화전 2019

국내 최대 규모의 스마트팩토리 및 공장자동화 관련 전시회에 여러분을 초대합니다

10월 8, 2019 – 10월 11, 2019  |  Seoul, Korea   |  Booth # H148

Discover first

신제품인 4-in-1 4축 드라이브를 제일 먼저 볼 수 있는 기회입니다

올해 출시 예정인 4-in-1 드라이브는 매우 혁신적인 제품입니다. 직접 제품을 손에 들고 보면 이 작은 제품 하나로 얻을 수 있는 성능의 범위에 대해 놀라시게 될 것입니다. 시스템 디자인, 코스트 절감, 소형화, 제품출시기간 단축 등 모션컨트롤에 있어 어떠한 고민도 해결 가능합니다.

부스에서 직접 제품을 확인하세요!

Twitter Family | 트위터 | 올해의 기술혁신상 수상

골드트위터 제품은 “세상에서 가장 작지만 가장 강력한 서보 드라이브” 이 한마디로는 설명이 다 되지 않습니다. 10kW의 연속정격 출력 (160A), EtherCAT 통신, STO(Safe Torque-off), 그리고 풍부한 모션 기능들까지, 이 작은 제품이 가진 무한한 가능성을 직접 확인하세요.

Platinum Maestro | 플래티늄 마에스트로 | 256축 까지 제어 가능

오케스트라를 지휘하는 것은 동기화된 다축 컨트롤러의 역할과 같습니다.
고급 제어 기능, 통신과 프로그래밍 등 플래티늄 마에스트로는 끊김없는 다축 드라이브의 모션을 보장합니다.

EASII 2.5 | EASII 소프트웨어로 모션 구현 쉽게 하기

Elmo Application Studio (EAS) II 에 새로 추가된 기능들에 대해서 알아봅니다. 이 기능들을 이용하면 보다 쉽게 원하는 모션을 구현하실 수 있습니다.

미팅 신청하기

Automation world Korea 2019

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

BOOTH # 1-C160

국제공장자동화전 2019

국내 최대 규모의 스마트팩토리 및 공장자동화 관련 전시회에 여러분을 초대합니다

3월 27, 2019 – 3월 29, 2019  |  Seoul, South Korea   |  BOOTH # 1-C160

Discover first

신제품인 4-in-1 4축 드라이브를 제일 먼저 볼 수 있는 기회입니다

올해 출시 예정인 4-in-1 드라이브는 매우 혁신적인 제품입니다. 직접 제품을 손에 들고 보면 이 작은 제품 하나로 얻을 수 있는 성능의 범위에 대해 놀라시게 될 것입니다. 시스템 디자인, 코스트 절감, 소형화, 제품출시기간 단축 등 모션컨트롤에 있어 어떠한 고민도 해결 가능합니다.

부스에서 직접 제품을 확인하세요!

Twitter Family | 트위터 | 올해의 기술혁신상 수상

골드트위터 제품은 “세상에서 가장 작지만 가장 강력한 서보 드라이브” 이 한마디로는 설명이 다 되지 않습니다. 10kW의 연속정격 출력 (160A), EtherCAT 통신, STO(Safe Torque-off), 그리고 풍부한 모션 기능들까지, 이 작은 제품이 가진 무한한 가능성을 직접 확인하세요.

Platinum Maestro | 플래티늄 마에스트로 | 256축 까지 제어 가능

오케스트라를 지휘하는 것은 동기화된 다축 컨트롤러의 역할과 같습니다.
고급 제어 기능, 통신과 프로그래밍 등 플래티늄 마에스트로는 끊김없는 다축 드라이브의 모션을 보장합니다.

EASII 2.5 | EASII 소프트웨어로 모션 구현 쉽게 하기

Elmo Application Studio (EAS) II 에 새로 추가된 기능들에 대해서 알아봅니다. 이 기능들을 이용하면 보다 쉽게 원하는 모션을 구현하실 수 있습니다.

미팅 신청하기

SPS Germany 2018

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

In today’s age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the paradox of achieving improved quality and flexibility, while at the same time increasing throughputs at reduced costs. This paradox can only be resolved through cutting-edge technology in which smart motion-control is as important as ever. Innovative servo technology is now imperative in shaping safer, greener, smaller, more accurate, and cost effective machinery.

The “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” has won first prize at the SPS Award 2018 “Roberto Maietti”, rewarding this year’s most prestigious abstracts under the topic of “The challenges of automation: efficiency and flexibility”.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

Elmo drives with advanced Functional Safety over EtherCAT help manufacturers Save money, hardware, and space, while increasing machine safety dramatically

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

World’s smallest, most powerful servo drive, helps making smart machine smarter and smaller. Up to 10kW of cont. Power (160A), with EtherCAT, STO, and rich with motion Functionality.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

World’s most advanced motion controller, rich with motion functionality, advanced networking, and programing flexibility, gets an upgrade

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

The Industry leading motion software gets an update, bringing forward several new visual and recording tools aimed at improving user experience, and simplifying motion implementation.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter delivers up to 5500 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume. The Gold Twitter drives are STO certified (SIL 3) and are backed by the highest of safety standards


Compact, High Power Solutions
Efficient Battery Operation
Ruggedized Design For Any Environment

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Collaborative Robotics
Safe Multi-Axis Control
Advanced Kinematic Support
Compact In-Joint Installation

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Fast & Accurate Inspection, Processing and Handling Processes

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High Precision , High Reliability Motion
Negligible EMI
Highest Safety Standards

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Increase Throughput and Accuracy with Advanced Algorithms

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Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기

Motion Control & Power Solutions 2019

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

Booth # 1+2

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

In today’s age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the paradox of achieving improved quality and flexibility, while at the same time increasing throughputs at reduced costs. This paradox can only be resolved through cutting-edge technology in which smart motion-control is as important as ever. Innovative servo technology is now imperative in shaping safer, greener, smaller, more accurate, and cost effective machinery.

The “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” has won first prize at the SPS Award 2018 “Roberto Maietti”, rewarding this year’s most prestigious abstracts under the topic of “The challenges of automation: efficiency and flexibility”.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

Elmo drives with advanced Functional Safety over EtherCAT help manufacturers Save money, hardware, and space, while increasing machine safety dramatically

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

World’s smallest, most powerful servo drive, helps making smart machine smarter and smaller. Up to 10kW of cont. Power (160A), with EtherCAT, STO, and rich with motion Functionality.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

World’s most advanced motion controller, rich with motion functionality, advanced networking, and programing flexibility, gets an upgrade

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

The Industry leading motion software gets an update, bringing forward several new visual and recording tools aimed at improving user experience, and simplifying motion implementation.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter delivers up to 5500 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume. The Gold Twitter drives are STO certified (SIL 3) and are backed by the highest of safety standards


Compact, High Power Solutions
Efficient Battery Operation
Ruggedized Design For Any Environment

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Collaborative Robotics
Safe Multi-Axis Control
Advanced Kinematic Support
Compact In-Joint Installation

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Fast & Accurate Inspection, Processing and Handling Processes

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High Precision , High Reliability Motion
Negligible EMI
Highest Safety Standards

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Increase Throughput and Accuracy with Advanced Algorithms

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Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기

AIRTEC 2018 Germany

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

In today’s age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the paradox of achieving improved quality and flexibility, while at the same time increasing throughputs at reduced costs. This paradox can only be resolved through cutting-edge technology in which smart motion-control is as important as ever. Innovative servo technology is now imperative in shaping safer, greener, smaller, more accurate, and cost effective machinery.

The “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” has won first prize at the SPS Award 2018 “Roberto Maietti”, rewarding this year’s most prestigious abstracts under the topic of “The challenges of automation: efficiency and flexibility”.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

Elmo drives with advanced Functional Safety over EtherCAT help manufacturers Save money, hardware, and space, while increasing machine safety dramatically

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

World’s smallest, most powerful servo drive, helps making smart machine smarter and smaller. Up to 10kW of cont. Power (160A), with EtherCAT, STO, and rich with motion Functionality.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

World’s most advanced motion controller, rich with motion functionality, advanced networking, and programing flexibility, gets an upgrade

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

The Industry leading motion software gets an update, bringing forward several new visual and recording tools aimed at improving user experience, and simplifying motion implementation.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter delivers up to 5500 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume. The Gold Twitter drives are STO certified (SIL 3) and are backed by the highest of safety standards


Compact, High Power Solutions
Efficient Battery Operation
Ruggedized Design For Any Environment

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Collaborative Robotics
Safe Multi-Axis Control
Advanced Kinematic Support
Compact In-Joint Installation

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Fast & Accurate Inspection, Processing and Handling Processes

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High Precision , High Reliability Motion
Negligible EMI
Highest Safety Standards

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Increase Throughput and Accuracy with Advanced Algorithms

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Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기

Productonica 2019

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

E1 booth #

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

In today’s age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the paradox of achieving improved quality and flexibility, while at the same time increasing throughputs at reduced costs. This paradox can only be resolved through cutting-edge technology in which smart motion-control is as important as ever. Innovative servo technology is now imperative in shaping safer, greener, smaller, more accurate, and cost effective machinery.

The “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” has won first prize at the SPS Award 2018 “Roberto Maietti”, rewarding this year’s most prestigious abstracts under the topic of “The challenges of automation: efficiency and flexibility”.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

Elmo drives with advanced Functional Safety over EtherCAT help manufacturers Save money, hardware, and space, while increasing machine safety dramatically

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

World’s smallest, most powerful servo drive, helps making smart machine smarter and smaller. Up to 10kW of cont. Power (160A), with EtherCAT, STO, and rich with motion Functionality.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

World’s most advanced motion controller, rich with motion functionality, advanced networking, and programing flexibility, gets an upgrade

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

The Industry leading motion software gets an update, bringing forward several new visual and recording tools aimed at improving user experience, and simplifying motion implementation.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter delivers up to 5500 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume. The Gold Twitter drives are STO certified (SIL 3) and are backed by the highest of safety standards


Compact, High Power Solutions
Efficient Battery Operation
Ruggedized Design For Any Environment

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Collaborative Robotics
Safe Multi-Axis Control
Advanced Kinematic Support
Compact In-Joint Installation

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Fast & Accurate Inspection, Processing and Handling Processes

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High Precision , High Reliability Motion
Negligible EMI
Highest Safety Standards

Read More


Increase Throughput and Accuracy with Advanced Algorithms

Read More

Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기


Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

Booth # 1+2

미팅 신청하기

Smart Factory Conference and Expo

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

제조 기업들은 Industry 4.0 시대에 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 제품 품질 및 유연성 향상과 생산성 증대를 비용 절감과 동시에 해내야 하는 파라독스 상황에 직면해 있습니다. 출발점은 제조에 기초가 되는 모션컨트롤에서 혁신 기술을 도입하는 것입니다. 인텔리젼트한 서보 드라이브를 기반으로 제조기계를 더욱 안전하고, 환경친화적이며, 정밀하면서도 낮은 가격에 만들 수 있습니다.

2018 이탈리아에서 개최된 SPS ipc drives (자동화 시스템 및 부품 박람회) 에서 “The Challenges of Automation: Efficiency and Flexibility” 라는 주제 하에 Elmo의 “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” 의 기사가 First place 로 선정되었습니다

스마트 드라이브와 컨트롤러가 4차 산업혁명에 어떻게 적용이 되는지 알고 싶으신가요?
스마트 매뉴팩쳐링에서의 모션 컨트롤의 역할 (부재 The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing)
라는 주제의 강연에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

엘모 드라이브가 Safety 기능을 다시 한번 업그레이드 합니다. Advanced FSoE (Functional Safety over EtherCAT) 가 탑재될 Platinum 드라이브는 기계 설계를 더 쉽게 해 드릴 것입니다.

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

세상에서 가장 작지만 가장 강력한 서보드라이브인 Gold Twitter의 출력이 기존 5kW에서 10kW로 향상되었습니다. EtherCAT, STO, 풍부한 고급 모션 기능도 그대로입니다.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

네트워크 방식의 다축 모션 컨트롤러는 IEC61131-3 의 개발환경을 지원하고, SIL(Software –in-the-loop) 로 개발 기간을 단축하시도록 도와드립니다.

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

모션 컨트롤 EASII는 업계 최첨단의 신속하고 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 모션 컨트롤 솔루션 도구로, 유연하고 고급의 사용자 친화적 도구 및 손쉬운 모션 프로그래밍 환경을 제공합니다.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter는 현재 시중에 나와 있는 제품 중 가장 소형의 High Power 서보 드라이브입니다. 불과 20g 무게에 부피가 13cm3 미만인 Twitter는 “어디에나 장착한다(Mount-it-Anywhere)”는 우리의 철학에 이상적인 서보 드라이브이며, 극한의 공간적 제약이 있는 다양한 분야에서 찾을 수 있습니다.


컴팩트한 고출력 솔루션
배터리 전원에 필요한 고효율
거친 환경에도 안정적인 구동

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Collaborative Robotics
안전한 다축 제어
G-Code 키네마틱스 지원
컴팩트 사이즈로 관절 내부 설치 가능

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빠르고 정밀한 검사, 프로세싱, 핸들링 지원

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신뢰할 수 있는 정밀 모션
무시할 정도의 EMI
최고 수준의 안전 규격 준수

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고급 모션 알고리즘으로 생산성과 정밀도 향상

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Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기

RoboBusiness 2018

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

The Paradox of Smart Manufacturing

In today’s age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the paradox of achieving improved quality and flexibility, while at the same time increasing throughputs at reduced costs. This paradox can only be resolved through cutting-edge technology in which smart motion-control is as important as ever. Innovative servo technology is now imperative in shaping safer, greener, smaller, more accurate, and cost effective machinery.

The “Paradox of Smart Manufacturing” has won first prize at the SPS Award 2018 “Roberto Maietti”, rewarding this year’s most prestigious abstracts under the topic of “The challenges of automation: efficiency and flexibility”.

Latest Technology

Smart Safety | Huge Savings for Manufacturers

Elmo drives with advanced Functional Safety over EtherCAT help manufacturers Save money, hardware, and space, while increasing machine safety dramatically

Twitter Family | Technical Innovation of the Year Winner

World’s smallest, most powerful servo drive, helps making smart machine smarter and smaller. Up to 10kW of cont. Power (160A), with EtherCAT, STO, and rich with motion Functionality.

Latest Technology

Platinum Maestro | Now up to 256 axes of motion

World’s most advanced motion controller, rich with motion functionality, advanced networking, and programing flexibility, gets an upgrade

EASII 2.4 | Multi-Axis Motion Implementation Has Never Been So Simple

The Industry leading motion software gets an update, bringing forward several new visual and recording tools aimed at improving user experience, and simplifying motion implementation.

The world’s smallest most powerful servo drive, delivers over 5500w.

Gold Twitter delivers up to 5500 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume. The Gold Twitter drives are STO certified (SIL 3) and are backed by the highest of safety standards


Compact, High Power Solutions
Efficient Battery Operation
Ruggedized Design For Any Environment

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Collaborative Robotics
Safe Multi-Axis Control
Advanced Kinematic Support
Compact In-Joint Installation

Read More


Fast & Accurate Inspection, Processing and Handling Processes

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High Precision , High Reliability Motion
Negligible EMI
Highest Safety Standards

Read More


Increase Throughput and Accuracy with Advanced Algorithms

Read More

Any Motion
Any Application

미팅 신청하기

2018 SE&ATN Symposium Supplier Event

Making Smart Machines Smarter

스마트 세이프티 | 완벽한 서보 | 더 단순하게 | 더 빠르게 | 안정적 | 더 작게

2018. 9. 5 ~ 9. 7 | 창원 컨벤션센터 (CECO) 제 2전시장

Booth # G02

Where Motion Matters

Superior Multi-Axis Control ready for Extreme Environment, Unbeatable Servo
Performance, Efficient Real Time Networking


Ambient Operating Temperature

-40°C to +70°C


Thermal Shock

-40°C to +70°C within 3 min



-400 m to 12,000 m (-1312 to 39370 feet)


Relative Humidity

up to 95% non-condensing at 25°C
up to 90% non-condensing at 42°C



20 Hz –2000 Hz, 14.6 grms


Mechanical Shock

Half sine, 11 msec., 3 per direction (overall 18)

Ready-to-Use Inertial

Ready-to-use motion control solution for inertial platform stabilization, whether
on ground, in air, or by sea

Elmo’s Gold Eagle high-current, super-compact servo drives has been installed in the Israel a tanks

Winglets control by 6 Ultra small & smart servo drives each bursting over 4400 Watts.


World’s smallest most powerful servo drive for Harsh Environments

Gold Bee delivers up to 5000 watts of qualitative power, ultra-high current with advanced servo capabilities and supports EtherCAT or CANopen networking. It is designed to operate under extreme environmental conditions, whether in extended temperatures, high altitudes, high mechanical shocks or intensive vibrations.Weighing just 18 grams and less than 13 cm3 in volume.

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